TOP 5 of my favourite books (at the moment)

1. Herr der Ringe (Lord of the Rings) �/ Tolkien

2. The Client / John Grisham

3. A time to kill / John Grisham

4. Der Medicus (The Phisician) / Noah Gordon

5. Der Schamane (Shaman) / Noah Gordon

TOP 5 of my favourite songs/CDs(at the moment)

1. Phil Collins / ...Hits

2. Liquido / Narcotic

3. Guano Apes / Proud like a god check out the lyrics for Lords of the Boards (Not avaible in the cover!!!)

4. Lennie Kravitz / 5

5. H-Blockx / Time to move

TOP 5 of my favourite games(at the moment)

1. Diablo (back on the HD, and awesome as ever)

2. Duke Nukem 3D >>>Atomic Edition<<< (Wanna dance?)

3. Day of the Tentacle

4. House of the dead (almost lost my gun in the guts)

5. StarWars:Shadows of the Empire!�Best N64 site on the net!